Friday, November 7, 2014

Tic Tic WOOO!

Our days are filled with "Wooo"s and screeches and a variety of other sounds.  At times, we are caught completely of guard - the sudden, loud "WOOO" can be a bit startling.  Other times, we can almost predict that it's coming.. we just aren't sure exactly which exclamation it will be.

My dear TS son is nearing his fourteenth birthday. He is just about half way through eighth grade.. My baby, half way through eighth grade.. it doesn't seem possible.
Basketball practice.. Puberty.. School stresses.. Holidays and birthday excitement.. His tics are in rare form lately.  Frequent.. and Loud..

In a new development this last week, there have been word tics.  Words that are not curse words.. but words nonetheless.. generally repeating what he has heard.. and my heart breaks for him.  My fears for what could come have been racing through my mind.

After helping out in the school cafeteria today, I stood for a little while in the middle school hallway.  I wanted to hear him for myself.. I wanted to hear what the teachers continued to describe to me..
     "almost constant"
     "very loud"
     "screeches when it's quiet"
     "can hear him through the walls.. in the hall"
I should explain here that his teachers are doing exactly what they need to be doing with respect to my tic-y child.. They continue on as if nothing out of the ordinary is going on.  They don't bring extra attention to the noises.  They have allowed for breaks from the classroom, music to help focus, extra reading time.. They are doing what they can.  His classmates have been amazing.. standing up for him with substitutes who don't seem to understand, ignoring his noises (for the most part anyway.. some just make a person giggle a bit), treating him just like everyone else.  They are doing what they can.
And, I stood there in the hallway. I stood outside of his classroom, for just a few minutes, listening to exactly what I'd been told.

I honestly was a little surprised.. There was a large part of me that wanted to believe the teachers were all exaggerating..  I don't think of his tics as "almost constant" at home.. Loud, yes. Sudden and startling in quiet moments, Yes. But "almost constant," no.. I mean.. frequent.. but not "almost constant."  He has his moments where the tics are very present, but there are also plenty of relatively calm moments also.

I probably don't notice some of his tics though because I'm so used to it.  The noises and such are just part of who my boy is..

There, of course, were also other observations..
     "different tics in different classrooms.. is that normal?"
     "we know he can't control it.. but sometimes it seems.."
Honesty again.. I don't always know what is a tic and what isn't.
So, I ask.  I ask, and he tells me..
And while I was standing there in the hallway, I wondered myself just how much of it was actually tics and how much of it was my son the clown getting away with extra noise.. and just thinking that, and now typing it, makes me feel like a horrible parent.
The 'nature of the beast' is that some of his tics look and sound intentional.. even though they aren't.

On the one hand, I'm so glad that he feels comfortable enough, safe enough at school to be himself.  I'm thankful that he feels secure enough to tic freely.  I'm so appreciative that he isn't worried about being made fun of.
On the other hand.. School is a place to learn, and his almost-constant heard-through-the-walls tics are making that hard on everyone.  He is missing out on instruction because he's ticing.. His classmates are missing out on instruction because his tics are so loud.. Other classes are distracted because they can also hear his tics..

And this momma's heart hurts.. and prayers are going up all day..
I pray that whatever the future holds for my son, that he knows he's an amazingly unique human being who is capable and intelligent and (most importantly) loved so very much.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Maintaining for Life

This. Is. Hard.
This is SO much harder than I ever imagined..  I have spent the last few months struggling to stay where I am.. and, I'm going to be honest, I'm not doing a very good job of it.

Ten months ago, December 10th 2013 to be exact, I began my second journey with Weight Watchers.  I had mental focus, I had a room full of support, I had tools in my hands again.. and I lost.  I lost 38 pounds.  Thirty. Eight. Pounds.  I reached my goal over the summer and achieved Lifetime status July 15th 2014.
I Did It!  I had finally accomplished the very thing that I'd convinced myself was impossible.
And suddenly I found myself in a new place on this journey.. a place where I no longer needed to put my focus on losing weight, but where I just needed to stay were I was at.. and I'm finding myself struggling.

It's a scary thing to feel lost after finally reaching a goal that had eluded me for so many years.  It's scary to get compliments on my appearance when I know my food-focus is such a mess right now.    It's scary to get on the scale and see it moving in the 'wrong' direction after so much work, so much dedication, so much effort.. It's scary to know those feelings of doubt and discouragement are trying to creep back into my head.  It's scary to realize that those bad habits and who-cares attitude keep trying to take root again..

It's scary.
And I'm stronger now.
And I'm not going to let the fear and insecurity beat me.
I am refocusing.. again.  I've recommitted several times since July.  Many Mondays have come and gone.. many mornings of focus and evenings of chaos.  And what I need to realize is that this 'struggle' is really just LIFE.  This 'struggle' doesn't have to be a struggle at all.. just me living a healthy life and making healthy choices.  And if there is anything I need to remember about the last ten months.. it's that I CAN live a healthy life and make healthy choices.

I. Can.
So, as of today, I'm finding a new focus point.
I'm going to focus on being happy and living IN the moment.
I'm going to focus on being healthy and loving my imperfect self for all of the amazing things I am able to do.
I'm going to focus on forgiving myself for failures and realizing that not every mistake means that I failed.
I'm going to focus on the positive moments.. no matter how small the positive moment may be.
I'm going to focus on being present in the now instead of rushing around and missing the little things my life is offering me.
I'm going to focus on love and laughter and joy.

I am not going to let doubt get me down.
I'm not going to let my insecurities sway my focus.
I am not going to listen to that part of me that says "you can't do this." because I know that I already did it.

I. Already. Did. It.
And I am not going back to where I was ten months ago.. I am stronger now.
November 2013                                                          May 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Actions.. Reactions.. and Taking Ownership

This morning.. oh, this morning.. to say it was a 'bad morning' is a total understatement.  It all started with a pan of scrambled eggs, and it ended with screaming and snide comments and even a few tears.  We were screaming over scrambled eggs.. He had more.  She was being mean.  She took MY eggs.  He wouldn't stop.  Eggs.  Scrambled eggs unevenly scooped on three plates..

There is a family, a friend of my cousin, who will spend today saying goodbye to their little boy.  Today they bury their months-old baby.. SIDS is suspected as the cause.  Suddenly, with no warning, with no explanation, their son was gone.

And we were screaming over scrambled eggs this morning.

I would LOVE to say that here is where my level head prevailed.  I would love to say that I calmly stayed out of it and let them figure it out.  I would even love to say that I rationally guided them so they could find a solution. I would LOVE to say those things.. but I can't.  I'm quite ashamed to say that I completely lost my temper, on this the fifth morning of the new school year, and joined them in the screaming.  This mom.. *sigh* This mom was screaming with her children over eggs this morning..  I told my thirteen year old and my nine year old that they were acting like toddlers.. but what I didn't say was that I was acting like a child too.
They ate and glared and muttered things under their breath.. I rushed around trying to finish getting myself ready for the day.. We hurried out the door and off to school.. No "I Love You"s were said.. No "Have a Great day!" or "See you later"s  or even HUGS.. Nothing.. I dropped them off and left.

And another family is preparing to bury their little boy.

This morning I failed myself.. but more importantly I failed my children.  I did the Exact opposite of what I TELL them, what I try every day to teach them.. I undermined myself with my ACTIONS.  How on earth can I expect them to react in a calm and rational manner.. when I can't even do that myself?