Monday, March 23, 2015

A Stranger's Smile

Dear Crossing Guard,

My children don't attend the public school. My children aren't among the many that you help safely across the highway each morning.. but I see you at your corner on my way to work. I've seen you every school morning for the past several years.

Overcast mornings..
Rainy and snowy mornings..
Sun-shiny mornings..

Blustery cold winter mornings..
Crisp autumn and spring mornings..
Steamy hint-of-summer mornings..

You are there waiting for the children to come to your corner. You greet them all with a smile before they continue on to school. You are a bright spot in their day.. I'm sure of it.
I'm sure of it because you are a bright spot in my day. I look forward to catching my own quick smile and wave from you as I pass by also.

There are mornings that we don't catch each other's eye. There are mornings that you are busy with the children.. but there are mornings that I pass by when you are waiting.. and those are the mornings we share a smile and a wave. I'm not sure you realize just how much I've come to look forward to this quick exchange in my morning. I'm not sure you realize just how much that smile and wave mean to me.

Your smile and wave lift my spirits.  On mornings that don't go as planned, mornings that are filled with grump and chaos at home, your smile and wave calm me.  On mornings that I'm feeling sluggish or melancholy, your smile and wave are like a warm hug.  On mornings where all is 'right' with life, your smile and wave brighten my morning even more. Every morning I look forward to sharing a smile and a wave with you. Every morning. Your smile and wave brighten my day.

Thank you, Crossing Guard.
Thank you for helping countless students safely across the highway each day. Thank you for offering your smile to them.. and for offering me a smile and wave as I pass.
Thank you for being a bright spot in the world.

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