Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Plucking Prickles

My sweet P-nut recently turned ten and has struggled for a while with finding his lost spark.. My silly and inquisitive discoverer has been filled with discouragement and doubt.. He brought me some wisdom well beyond his ten years a few mornings ago. Wisdom that has stayed with me.. and I am so very thankful he shared his insight with me.

A little back story first:
I stumbled across this quote online several moths ago. At a time with my boy was spending most of his days grumpy and easily thrown into tantrums, it was the perfect tool to help him let go of the anger and frustrations. I tucked this little nugget away.. and it wasn't long before I first made the suggestion to a very unhappy boy.
That first time I told him to stop sitting on the cactus he cracked up. The anger was gone. I can't remember the crisis of that moment, but I will always remember the look on his face as he registered what I'd said and then the giggle that spilled from him. It has lost some of that "instant fix" effect as time has passed.. and during a particularly deep moment of despair, we talked a little more about that darned cactus. I spoke with him about how his anger is a little like him holding a cactus in his hand and squeezing it tighter instead of letting go of it.. Of course that's not something most people would do.. squeeze a cactus.. It makes much more sense to let go.

Back to that insightful morning:
P-nut was getting very angry with Holy-In-A-Mood big brother. I bit my tongue hoping they'd work it out, but when it was clear that the frustration was only escalating, I called P over and suggested that he just keep some distance between them. The anger continued to bubble out of my boy.. and again, I told him to get off the cactus. When he hid around the door frame, I backed out of the room, booty stuck out, with my hand pulling a 'cactus' off.. that made him chuckle despite his grump. He left to finish getting ready for school but came back after just a few minutes. He then told me something that I will never forget.

"Mom, you know how you said it's like I squeeze the cactus in my hand.. Well.. sometimes when I let go, the prickles are still stuck in my hand."
<cue light-bulb>
I told him that the same thing happens to me.. and that is when we have to take a breath and pull those prickles out also. I thanked him for sharing that with me.. told him it was a very wise thought.. and I got a big bear-hug and an "I love you."

We're going to find his spark again.. a little more each day.. my silly and inquisitive discoverer is shining through more and more.

It shouldn't surprise me anymore that there is a reason for all things.. but it still does. I realized right away that I am guilty of letting 'prickles' continue to bother me after I've let go of my own cactus. I never realized just how many prickles I've got stuck in my hands though. When things don't work out like I think they should, when my vision of "perfect" isn't happening, I start squeezing that cactus.. and I haven't ever really taken the time to pull out those darned prickles that have been left behind. Each time "perfect" doesn't happen, I get irritated from the OLD prickles along with the NEW ones!!

Time to pull some prickles..


  1. I LOVE this! I think I need to get my butt off my own cactus! Thank you so much for sharing this. And, yes, the littles are often the ones who teach us. Now when I'm in a pickle, I'll pull the prickles! LOL.

  2. This is so brilliant! Such an important lesson for all of us!
